Three Holy Days Intensive Learning Opportunity

If you would like to attend, please reach out to Katharyn Wheeler at
The first learning opportunity from the Metro D.C. Synod Leadership Academy is the Three Holy Days Intensive at Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center on January 30-31, 2020!
Come and learn Christ in worship together. This is a time of learning and active participation in the global restoration and updating of the Great Three Days.
Rev. Dr. Gordon Lathrop, Dr. Gail Ramshaw, and Mark Mummert will guide us through the ancient and contemporary way for the worshiping assembly to keep the death and resurrection of Christ. You are invited to be part of worship, discussion, singing, workshops, and reflection to further worship practices in your own context for the upcoming Easter season.
Come and learn Christ… Come and lean into the joy and power of assembly worship, made manifest in the Three Holy Days.
All rostered ministers, worship ministry chairs, and musicians involved in Holy Week preparation that have been nominated by their pastor. Participants from Metro D.C., Delaware-Maryland, and Virginia Synods are all welcome to attend.
Cost includes Thursday night overnight accommodations in private room with private bath at Bon Secours Retreat and Conference center, 5 meals – Thursday lunch & dinner, Friday breakfast, lunch & dinner, and certificate for Continuing Education unit (CEU) credit.
Metro D.C. Synod
$275 individual / $375 Couple (subsidized by the Leadership Academy Fund)
Not Metro D.C. Synod
$380 individual / $480 Couple
Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center in Marriottsville, MD. Located just minutes from Baltimore and Washington D.C., the beautiful 300-acre property provides the perfect setting to explore different worship styles and a respite to get away from the cares of daily life.
Rev. Dr. Gordon Lathrop is an ELCA pastor and a retired professor of liturgy who has taught at two different seminaries of the ELCA, at Yale Divinity School, and at the Virginia Theological Seminary. Prior to that teaching, he served parishes in Wisconsin and in Washington State. He has a doctorate in New Testament studies from the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands (1969), and honorary doctorates in theology from the University of Helsinki (2011), the University of Iceland (2017), and the Virginia Theological Seminary (2019). He is the author of several books, including Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology (Fortress, 1993), The Pastor: A Spirituality (Fortress, 2006), and Saving Images: The Presence of the Bible in Christian Liturgy (Fortress, 2017).
Gail Ramshaw studies and crafts liturgical language from her home outside of Washington, D.C. A Lutheran laywoman, she is a member Resurrection ELCA in Arlington, Virginia. A past president of the North American Academy of Liturgy and a recipient of its Berakah award, she has published extensively about biblical metaphors, the Revised Common Lectionary, and congregational liturgical practice. Her publications that attend to the Three Days include Word of God, Word of Life: Understanding the Three-Year Lectionaries (2019), Pray, Praise, and Give Thanks: A Collection of Litanies, Laments, and Thanksgivings at Font and Table (2017), Saints on Sunday: Voices from our Past Enlivening our Worship (2018), “The Church’s Year” in volume three of Using Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2009), and The Three-Day Feast (2004). ;
Mark Mummert is Cantor among the people of Trinity Lutheran Church in Worcester, Massachusetts. He served as Distinguished Visiting Cantor at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Director of Worship at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Houston, and Seminary Musician at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Mark is a composer of portions of Evangelical Lutheran Worship Holy Communion Setting One, Morning Prayer, and served as editor for Psalm Settings for the Church Year and Music Sourcebook for Lent and the Three Days (Augsburg Fortress).
Contact Katharyn Wheeler at or 202-417-3684