Reflections from the Holy Land-Week 5

Group 236

We woke up early one morning and walked over to the Sea of Galilee…

This sacred place where Jesus and Peter walked on water, where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, and where he fed 5000 men along with the women and children that accompanied them. We were there…

Seventeen ELCA bishops were there walking along this space between land and sea as these well-known stories flowed through our imaginations and a loud and holy silence grew over us. We all seemed to need a moment to take it all in…


As soon as we stepped into the boat I noticed a tranquility on the sea I had not expected. I was looking for wind and instability; I was looking into the mountains to see where Jesus may have grieved the loss of his friend, John, before walking over the storm. I was looking for a connection between what I knew had happened in this place and what I knew was happening in me. This sacred place held experiences I’ve become all too familiar with these last three years: threatening winds, fear, and isolating grief… and I wanted to experience comfort in this familiar place. 


As Jesus does, I did not get what I wanted. I instead received what I needed; I experienced healing. I wanted the storm I’ve learned to navigate. I instead received peace and calm that turned into joy and hope. 


Sometimes we do this; we prefer comfort over seeking healing and restoration. It’s easier to navigate what we know rather than risk the strain that comes with change, even if it means liberation and transformation.

The Spirit doesn’t seem to be asking much permission these days; our comforts don’t seem to be the Spirit’s priority. Instead, healing and restoration, liberation and transformation, joy and hope that come, not by way of what we want but by way of what we need, is the Spirit’s insistence these days…


With God’s help and in Jesus’ name may our spirits say, “Thank you.” 


En Cristo,

Bp. Leila