Meet the new Director of Evangelical Mission

Group 236

Dear Siblings in Christ,

I am excited to announce our new Director of Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop, Rev. Jason Shank! Rev. Shank began his call with the Metro D.C. synod on Tuesday, January 16th.

As an Episcopal priest, he brings a richness of knowledge and experience accompanying congregations in mission. We thank God for the ways the Spirit continues to invite us into partnership and ecumenical relationships.

Let us warmly welcome Rev. Shank to our synod and lean into how the Spirit leads and helps us grow into the call God has placed before us as church together.

Bishop Leila M. Ortiz

Greetings from Pr. Jason Shank

To the people of God in the Metro D.C. Synod,

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord! I am thrilled and thankful to be joining the staff of the Metro D.C. Synod and to begin this amazing work with all of you.

I currently live in Southern Maryland with my wife Erin (who is also an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Maryland) and our two daughters Chelsea (4) and Emma (2). I am an avid reader, enjoy running and playing guitar, and love every minute I get to spend with my family.

I am so looking forward to learning more about the kingdom building work that is happening within the Synod and meeting many of you to learn and hear your stories. I am honored to help support the vision of the Synod, to strengthen and empower our existing congregations and communities, and to reach new people through the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

I look forward to working with you and becoming a part of the greater church in which God calls, equips and loves us and the communities we serve, now and in the days to come.

Pastor Jason

Pastor Jason can be reached at or by calling the synod office at (202) 417-3678.