Money, seminary education, elected leadership gain our attention
That’s blogger Rose Beeson (left), with Karen Krueger sharing her perch in the back of the hall, ready to report on the day’s events.
The afternoon continued on into the business of the synod, hearing reports (available on the website), being introduced to the Mission Spending Plan (synod’s budget), receiving greetings from the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, president at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, and conducting elections.
All the uncontested positions of synod leadership were elected by acclamation. This resulted in several representatives to Synod Council being elected, as well as members of the Committee on Discipline. Contested positions (positions with more candidates than the number of openings) will have their elections later during this Synod Assembly. A report of the first ballot for bishop was given. Of the 240 ecclesiastical ballots cast in the first ballot for bishop, 180 (75%) were required for election. No election was made.