Monthly Prayer Petition | January 2024

Group 236

Holy One, thank you for the gift of your love made real in the child Jesus, and help us root our gratitude in the ongoing gifts of the Epiphany.

We acknowledge situations when we have not loved as Jesus has loved. We confess our participation in structures of injustice that bring harm to your beloveds. We ponder the words of the prophet Amos, who calls humanity to reflect on its ways of dehumanization and domination. And, Holy One, Amos reminds us of your amazing grace as you say even in the midst of struggle — Let Justice roll down like running waters and righteousness like an overflowing stream.

We remember those in the faith who have sought to live your dream for the world — particularly Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King teaches that the ongoing work of justice is not done by heroes alone, rather it is done collectively, with each other. We recall that in 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial, King proclaimed, “We cannot walk alone, and as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.” Help us Holy One, that words like this be offered on our lips, echoed in the souls of our faith communities and mirrored in our individual and collective actions.

God in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Amen.