“No Condemnation” – Reflection on Romans 8
"SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST" declares this sign outside of the church where the 2011 synod-sponsored Reformation Service was held.
From his vantage point as a juror in a murder trial, Bishop Richard H. Graham had a piercing opportunity to reflect recently on our times.
“We know that the world isn’t right now. So much of the news we hear and read reminds us that things are torn and are not being mended,” he said from the pulpit of the Metro D.C. Synod-sponsored Reformation Service on October 30, 2011.
“The contrast between what Paul says [in Romans 8:1-6] and what we experience could not be more striking. He doesn’t mean that the world won’t condemn us. He doesn’t mean that we won’t condemn ourselves,” Bishop Graham expounded. “But he means that God does not condemn us.”
Hear for yourself, and/or read the sermon transcript, this sermon of hope and opportunity as people freed in Christ. Also available are photos from the Reformation Service, held at Lutheran Church of the Reformation on Capitol Hill.