In her book The Liturgical Year, Joan Chittister writes about the season of Advent:
“It is while waiting for the coming of the reign of God, Advent after Advent, that we come to realize that its coming depends on us. What we do will either hasten or slow, sharpen or dim our own commitment to do our part to bring it.”
During this season of Advent, we wait for the one who has brought the reign of God, the reign of peace into our midst. At Advent, we remember that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, has come into our world to shine his light and love into the darkest of places. As Joan has shown us, we have a part to play in Advent. As we wait for Christmas, we have the opportunity to be people of peace. We have this season to seek out peace by looking for the sacred in the midst of brokenness. A season to pause and to listen for the voice of God, a voice that tells us that God is here, that God is among us. As we seek peace, we also have the opportunity to be people of peace. To simply be kind in a world that wants to be angry and to choose to love when the world desires hate.
During this season of Advent, where do you see peace? How are you being a person of peace and by doing so, hasten the reign of God, the kingdom of peace?
~ Pr. Jason Shank
Share a photo, Bible verse, or story where you are finding peace in your life and around the world on the synod’s Facebook Page.
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