Reformation Message from Bishop Ortiz

Group 236

On this Reformation Sunday, Jesus reminds us that he is the truth and that in him there is freedom. What might we need to be set free from today—as creation, as the church, and as the world? What “truths” have we held on to as identity markers for who we are and who we are not? And how have these “truths” kept us from the fullness of life God has created us for—as believers, as community, and as humanity? 

Might we consider that maybe Jesus wants us to know him as the truth because he wants us to be free of the “truths” that bind us. 

Freedom is coming! Freedom is here! Thanks be to God!

Let us pray,
May we continue in God’s word.
May we come to know Jesus as the truth we live by.
And may we be set free… with God’s help and in Jesus’ name. Amen.


-Bishop Ortiz