Resources for RIC Celebration Sunday | January 30, 2022

Group 236

Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday is a celebration shared among our Reconciling in Christ partners. This service is a space in which your faith community can celebrate their decision to become RIC, be it thirty years ago or three days ago, and spark conversation around what it means to deepen and expand welcome to our LGBTQIA+ siblings. Many RIC communities celebrate RIC Sunday on the last Sunday in January. This year, the celebration lands on January 30, 2022. ReconcilingWorks encourages you to celebrate on a date that is meaningful for your community. 

The 2022 theme is Made in God’s Image: God’s Boundless Diversity! In a preview of the upcoming Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN, July of 2022, the worship resources, available at the link below, are centered in the spirit of youth and the voices of our young people, centered on and created for LGBTQIA+ and ally youth! 

Video children’s message and sermon will be available in early January to use as well, so bookmark the RIC Sunday page for future updates!