Seen and unseen work comes to light
Every resolution and report is the result of many hours of hard work, some seen and some unseen. The Assembly receives the reports, carefully prepared, and votes, asking God’s grace and wisdom.
We started on voting business this afternoon with the report of the Nominating Committee, and the Assembly confirmed the nominees.
Dr. White is embraced by Bishop Graham after his last report to the Assembly as our vice president.
The report of the treasurer, the Rev. Thomas Knoll, was slightly bittersweet as Pr. Knoll completes his tenure as the synod’s treasurer.
Dr. John White, the synod vice president, gave his report. It included a report on Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Ministers which was adopted, though a couple of participants in the Assembly raised concerns. He concluded by encouraging Voting Members to consider the words of Jesus when he said, “Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.”
This was an excellent segue into Deacon Deb Hayne’s report on the Community of St. Dysmas, a worship community made up of the inmates of a women’s prison. She carries out important work ministering to inmates, and closed with a moving prayer written by one of the members of the congregation.
In a funny bit of parliamentarian business, Bishop Graham called on the Dr. White to recognize Bishop Graham before Bishop Graham could give his report. He reflected on the pain of division and conflict in the world and our responsibility as a church to help make a difference, especially when we have contributed.
He then spoke of some of the events planned to observe the anniversary of the Reformation, which will include Presiding Bishop Eaton preaching at the National Cathedral on Reformation Sunday. He concluded by thanking the synod for allowing him to serve as bishop.
With all that done, we dispersed for a short break for snacks and coffee to refuel for the concluding session.