Spring malaria awareness resources

Group 236

Life-saving ministry through the ELCA Malaria Campaign will grow stronger if your congregation participates in the global World Malaria Day this spring or considers newly prepared Vacation Bible School curriculum to raise awareness and hope.

Observe World Malaria Day on Sunday, April 27

Consider observing World Malaria Day on Sunday April 27

  • World Malaria Day 2014: Globally, World Malaria Day is celebrated on April 25th each year. In 2014, ELCA congregations are encouraged to celebrate World Malaria Sunday on April 27—one week after Easter. Our World Malaria Day offerings and gifts this year will support the malaria program implemented by our Companion Synods in Namibia, ties celebrated by many in the ELCA including the Metro D.C. Synod.

A World Malaria Week Action Kit of sermon starters, worship ideas, a children’s sermon, Sunday school activities, a PowerPoint presentation and a profile of the malaria program in Namibia is being prepared.

  • Vacation Bible School 2014: Looking for VBS inspiration? The ELCA Malaria Campaign is preparing a comprehensive VBS curriculum which includes a daily theme; Bible study and memory verse; malaria-related lesson plans; and ideas for thematic games, crafts, activities and snacks.  The VBS curriculum is designed to help participants think about and participate in our global malaria work as an expression of their Lutheran Christian identity.

Looking for VBS inspiration?

In March, free download of the VBS curriculum will be available. Printed copies will be available in April.

  • Country Profiles: We have continued to prepare and publish profiles for each county malaria program. At this point profiles are available for: Angola, Burundi, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

A Namibia country profile will be available before World Malaria Day, and a profile for South Sudan will be available soon as well.

  • Video: A new, two-minute video highlighting the impact of Lutheran malaria programming in Malawi is now available.   And if you haven’t seen the Zambia video yet, by all means watch that one too!

To see all the resources available for the Malaria Campaign, go to www.elca.org/Resources/ELCA-Malaria-Campaign.

1401nomosquitos30Dorothy Sorrell, ELCA Malaria Campaign coordinator for the Metro D.C. Synod, can be contacted at djsorrell1@verizon.net or 703-591-2236 regarding resources she has on hand, including mosquito nets that can be borrowed, posters, offering envelopes and brochures.