Leadership Summit_HEADER

Saturday, October 21
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer McLean, VA
$25 per person includes lunch and materials

The Metro D.C. Synod is offering a Leadership Summit to both lay leaders and rostered ministers within the synod to foster growth and inspiration within your congregation and as Church together. This opportunity to glean from church leaders and industry experts is only available in person, so register early to reserve your spot! The cost of lunch and materials is covered in the $25 registration fee.

Leadership Summit_WORKSHOPS

You will be invited to RSVP for the workshops you wish to attend when you register for this event,
so please take a moment to explore the workshop details below!

Leadership Summit_KEYNOTE

Held Together: Discipleship as Leadership in a Polarized Time

Bishop Regina Hassanally

Bishop of Southeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA

The Rev. Regina Hassanally has served as bishop of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod since September 2019. As bishop she delights in conversations with pastors and deacons, walking alongside congregational leaders, Sunday-morning coffee hours and imagining future possibilities. She believes in the power of God to transform lives, and her ministry is focused on gospel proclamation. Prior to being called as bishop, Rev. Hassanally served a vibrant and lively congregation in rural southeastern Minnesota. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology Health Professions from Northwestern College and a Master of Divinity from Palmer Theological Seminary.

Leadership Summit_AGENDA

9:30 AM | Introduction & Prayer

10:00 AM | Keynote by Bishop Hassanally

11:15 AM | Lunch or Workshops

12:30 PM | Lunch or Workshops

1:45 PM | Workshops

3:30 PM | Closing & Sending


  • You will RSVP for the workshops you wish to attend when you register for the event
  • Bring a reusable water bottle with you to reduce our environmental impact
  • Consider carpooling with others from your congregation for additional fellowship time