The one when the angel visits

Group 236

by Karen Krueger

“Let the Advent season pass through you instead of pass by you,” said the pastor last Sunday.


Family-friendly actions accompany Bible verses in an Advent observance idea from the Northeastern Iowa Synod.

There are lots of ways to invite IN the season of preparation – besides cookie baking, shopping and taking pen to greeting card in the now cramp-producing practice of cursive. The Episcopal Diocese of Washington compiled a great list of Advent calendars and devotions at Many have a twist: like Instagram photos, audio offerings and Pinterest craft ideas.

On the synod’s Twitter feed (@dcsynodelca), we’re recycling and slightly retooling something from the Northeastern Iowa Synod. A brief Bible verse and family-friendly action idea offer a daily prompt to mark the coming of Christmas. When our ELCA neighbors introduced this Advent resource (download available from, they arranged them as paper ornaments that could be decorated and hung in the home, like on a refrigerator or stairwell.

Since I’m not a new Christian, the Gospel verses remind me of my cable company advertising a Seinfeld episode: “The one with the puffy shirt.” “The one when the angel visits.” That points to the risk of a shallow, fleeting Advent. So I read the verses again, and contemplate the gradual unfolding of grand news.

How do you let Advent pass through you?