2025_Synod_Assembly_Main Header
2025_Synod_Assembly_Registration Open

We look forward to seeing you at the 2025 Synod Assembly on Friday, June 6–Saturday, June 7, at the College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center.

Come ready to learn all the ways the Holy Spirit has empowered congregations, rostered ministers, and lay leaders to live out the Gospel in various ministry contexts!

Synod Assembly Announcement Letters

Click the buttons below to read the Synod Assembly announcement letters with important updates and information.


Please contact the synod assembly planning team chair, Pastor Alex Stall, by emailing synodassemblyteam@metrodcelca.org.

Display Space/Sponsor Request Form

If you are interested in having a display space at this year's Synod Assembly please complete the form at the button below. All display space request forms are due by Saturday, March 15.

Workshop Request/Suggestion Form

The Synod Assembly Planning Team is currently taking requests/suggestions for workshops to be presented at this year's assembly. Please submit your ideas by Saturday, March 15.

2025_Synod_Assembly_Bishop Transition

The Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod is preparing for an important season of discernment as we journey toward the election of our next bishop in 2025. This transition is an opportunity for prayerful reflection, conversation, and engagement as we seek God’s guidance for the future of our synod.

Visit our Bishop Transition page to stay informed about key dates, the election process, and ways you can participate.


Coming Soon!

2025_Synod_Assembly_Reports & Documents

Partner organizations and ministries of the Metro D.C. Synod are invited to share an annual report or review of your ministry in 2024. Your reports will then be provided to all attendees along with other assembly materials.

Please send your reports to Katharyn Wheeler no later than Thursday, May 1, by emailing them to Synodassemblyteam@metrodcelca.org and kwheeler@metrodcelca.org, or upload them to the folder on Google Drive through the button below.

For easy organization, include the name of your organization or ministry in the file title. PDF format is preferred. Thank you for your timely submission!

2025_Synod_Assembly_Memorials and Resolutions

The Synod Assembly provides an opportunity for voting members to present Resolutions or Memorials for consideration.

Resolutions adopted by the synod assembly will be acted upon locally or passed to the appropriate units of the ELCA for action.

Memorials adopted for consideration by the 2026 ELCA Churchwide Assembly will be forwarded to the Churchwide Assembly Memorials Committee for consideration and inclusion in the advance materials along with memorials from other synods of the ELCA.

Submissions for both are due on Tuesday, April 1. View the guidelines, a model resolution, and the submission form.

2025_Synod_Assembly_Leadership Nominations

Each year, the assembly votes to elect new members to serve on the synod Council, churchwide assembly, and other important synod tables. You can view details of positions to be elected during the assembly through the buttons below.

If you or anyone you know is interested in serving in one of the roles listed, please submit a candidate information form no later than May 1. The candidate form is available through the button below.

Candidate Information Form due Thursday, May 1.