Fall 2023 Discernment Cohort


The candidacy committee of the Metro D.C. Synod invites anyone who is feeling a call to ministry or is looking for a space to actively discern their call to join our October 2023 discernment group. We are excited to offer this space for holy listening, discernment and pondering in partnership with the Virginia Synod. Pastor…

Sacred Ground Series on Race & Faith


Registration is now open for “Sacred Ground,” a 12-session spiritual journey, grounded in the example of Jesus Christ and the power of scripture, prayer, God’s grace, to help to achieve racial equity. This series is open to all congregations in small groups and to all rostered ministers. Through this series, you are invited to: walk…


Dreaming & Visioning Conversations with RIC Team


The newly formed Metro D.C. Synod Reconciling in Christ Team invites you to one of two online Zoom conversations in August to explore what the future of this team looks like. Share your dreams, ideas and needs to help determine which trainings and resources are shared by this team to help synod congregations as well as rostered and…

2024 Youth Gathering Info Session


On Wednesday, August 23 at 7:00 PM, the Gathering Synod Champions for Metro D.C. and Delaware-Maryland will host an information session on Zoom for any primary leaders who are thinking of taking a group to the ELCA Youth Gathering next summer in New Orleans. Whether you're ready to register your group today or you're still wondering…

Informational Session for 2024 Holy Land Trip


For all who may be interested in participating (or are already registered!) for the 2024 trip to the Holy Land, you are invited to an informational session on August 23 at 7:00 PM on Zoom led by Bishop Leila Ortiz and Elias Nawawieh of Elias Tours. Learn more about: what to expect during the trip, historic…


Dreaming & Visioning Conversations with RIC Team


The newly formed Metro D.C. Synod Reconciling in Christ Team invites you to one of two online Zoom conversations in August to explore what the future of this team looks like. Share your dreams, ideas and needs to help determine which trainings and resources are shared by this team to help synod congregations as well as rostered and…


Discernment Cohort-Winter 2023


The candidacy committee of the Metro D.C. Synod invites anyone who is feeling a call to ministry or is looking for a space to actively discern their call to join our February 2023 discernment group. We are excited to partner with the Virginia Synod to offer this space for holy listening, discernment and pondering. The Winter 2023…


Discernment Cohort-Winter 2023


The candidacy committee of the Metro D.C. Synod invites anyone who is feeling a call to ministry or is looking for a space to actively discern their call to join our February 2023 discernment group. We are excited to partner with the Virginia Synod to offer this space for holy listening, discernment and pondering. The Winter 2023…


Discernment Cohort-Winter 2023


The candidacy committee of the Metro D.C. Synod invites anyone who is feeling a call to ministry or is looking for a space to actively discern their call to join our February 2023 discernment group. We are excited to partner with the Virginia Synod to offer this space for holy listening, discernment and pondering. The Winter 2023…


Discernment Cohort-Winter 2023


The candidacy committee of the Metro D.C. Synod invites anyone who is feeling a call to ministry or is looking for a space to actively discern their call to join our February 2023 discernment group. We are excited to partner with the Virginia Synod to offer this space for holy listening, discernment and pondering. The Winter 2023…