Metro D.C. Synod Announces New Visual Identity

Group 236

The Metro D.C. Synod Council and staff are happy to announce a new visual identity for the synod. Visuals and how we digitally represent the Church tell a story about who we are as the body of Christ and the God we believe in. Catalyzed by the work of the Racial Equity Strategic Planning Team in 2023, we recognized the opportunity to be Church together not only in theory and theology but also in practice.

The Synod Council prioritized refreshing the synod’s visual identity to:

  1. present a visual impression that is more inclusive of all Metro D.C. geographical areas and the diversity of people within the synod’s congregations and the communities served.
  2. simply illustrate the synod’s priorities and how God is at work in the world through consistent visuals and voice.
  3. provide clear communication guidelines to support the synod’s commitment to racial equity, social and economic justice, environmental care, and the affirmation of all God’s people.

The synod partnered with local communications firm, Evoke, along with six lay and rostered leaders to articulate the unique personality of the synod and direct the final visual identity. The synod’s new visual identity includes logo variations, colors, and written guidelines complementary to the ELCA’s refreshed parent brand.


The arrangement of the new logo prioritizes “creating space”—to discover, to belong, and to serve. The bold lines embody the diverse and faithful people of the synod commuting in and out of the church and the world as servant leaders inspired by the work of the Holy Spirit. The negative space between them creates the cross of Christ in which we are rooted. As the synod is most commonly referred to as the Metro D.C. Synod, the primary logo uses this name. A variation of the logo with the synod’s full name, Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod, is also available.

A variation of the logo with the symbol portrayed in a custom multi-color gradient will be used intentionally to reflect the synod’s commitment to Reconciling in Christ initiatives and to welcoming and affirming all of God’s beloved children.


The synod’s new visual identity serves as a visual reminder of our call as a synod to cultivate a bold and boundless love for Jesus and for all God’s beloved creation. May we celebrate our new visual identity and continue to live into our call as church together.