We have pilots and momentum
by Christy Hartigan
To help us work through the nuts and bolts of how to engage the New Connections Campaign in the Metro D.C. Synod, we are excited to work with two congregations whose councils have agreed to be pilots! This will prepare us for entering the Congregational Phase of the campaign this fall. Thank you,
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Reston, Virginia; and
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church in Lexington Park, Maryland!
And , we received our first $100,000 pledge! As of March 10th, 31 pledges and gifts have been received for New Connections, resulting in over $309K towards our $2.25M campaign goal. Over the course of the next two months, the remaining rostered ministers who have not attended their Conference Gathering will be invited to learn more about the New Connections Campaign and start thinking about how this can be a part of their individual and congregational evangelism and financial goals for the next three years. Look for an eVite from either Bishop Graham or the Rev. Phil Hirsch.
Finally, rostered ministers in the synod are encouraged to attend the Abide with Me Retreat with Bishop Graham on Sun. Apr. 2-Mon. Apr. 3. The purpose of this two-day retreat is to take a collective deep breath, have conversations about our faith and recover a sense of joy in God’s Spirit so we can help others do the same. The Rev. Dr. Ray Pickett, Professor of the New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, will lead discussion. An agenda, information and registration link are found under “Events” tab on synod website.