Winning video TBA at CWA – local entry in top 10

Group 236

09cwavideocameraThe video from Chi Rho 2009,  Metro D.C.’s annual servant event for high school youth, is one of the top ten finalists in the individual category for the ELCA’s “God’s work, our hands” video contest. Presiding Bishop Hanson will announce the winner from the Churchwide Assembly beginning at 2 p.m. CDT on Saturday, August 22. Watch the announcement live at and check out Chi Rho’s entry.

From contest judge Kirsten Nelson: “Meeting and talking with my fellow judges as we reached our decisions gave me a sense of encouragement. We are healthy. We are strong. The participants showed us that there is a passion to share what God can do through us with others. It is not grandstanding or false modesty. It is humbly giving, and for that I thank all the participants for sharing their gifts.”