Young adults listen for Christian call in daily hum
by the Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli
Nearly 25% of the Metro D.C. Synod’s congregations contributed in one way or another to a retreat for young adults from up and down the east coast and Puerto Rico to consider where God is calling them!
A number of the synod’s own lay people met with the young adults to discuss the way their Christian vocation intersects with their daily vocation at work. Members from 10 different congregations, ranging in work experience from the Department of Homeland Security to Children’s National Medical Center to a self-employed architect, made themselves available for an afternoon to talk about the intersection of their faith and work.
Three retreat participants got into character for the three kings celebration at San Marcos Lutheran Church in Springfield.
What’s more, to keep the cost of the retreat low for participants, a number of synod congregations and individuals provided meals. These included: St. Luke Lutheran Church, Silver Spring; Resurrection Lutheran Church, Arlington; Good Samaritan Lutheran Church, Lanham; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, D.C.; St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Silver Spring; and the Rev. Beth Platz. Two congregations lent their buses and drivers to transport the group to worship on Sunday.
This retreat was hosted by Project Connect on Jan. 3-7, 2013. Project Connect is an initiative of area Lutheran seminaries funded by the Lilly Foundation to encourage 18 to 30 year olds to consider where God is calling them to serve, and specifically whether God may be calling them to serve in the church.
The gathered young adults were an inspiring, faithful and thoughtful group to be with. It was truly a joy to have been part of this retreat.
Participants were grateful for the way our synod came together to help make this retreat possible, and I was proud to be a part of this synod and its generosity and support towards young adults.
So, this is a quick way to say thank you again to so many from the synod who helped make this possible and to let you know what a generous and supportive synod this is. It is a joy to serve here with you!
Thank you!