Your answers are input for ELCA future

Group 236


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Half of us went to lunch, half of us thoughtfully shared our input with the ELCA Churchwide Representative to our Synod Assembly, the Rev. Cherlyne Beck – then we traded. Affectionately called “Lutheran church nerds” on Twitter by members of that club from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, @HTLC_HSYouth, we had lots to say from our hearts and spirits when asked these questions that are part of our identity and part of the ELCA’s “Called Forward Together in Christ” process.

  1. What is distinctive about our identity as a Lutheran church?
  2. What kind of church do we believe God is calling us to become?
  3. How do we become an inclusive, diverse church that is inspiring and relevant in different communities?
  4. What is God calling us to do in a world that is facing unprecedented levels of poverty, conflict and violence, inter-religious tension and massive displacement of people?
  5. What do we expect from our church leaders? And how do we recruit, invest in and support then to lead this church into the future?
  6. Will our current structures serve the church well into the future? How can we maintain strong local participation and ownership and at the same time, achieve a connection to ELCA as one church?

A smattering of responses noted by our blogger, Margretta Williams, include:

  • Lutheran World Federation brings us into a global stance in ways that might not be visible.
  • Praise; don’t tolerate.
  • Find out what the local community needs are.
  • Don’t focus on the place; focus on the people, the relationships.
  • One speaker, who needed a translator, said need and its fulfillment embody what we are talking about in our church vision.
  • The role of the church it to open the doors to everybody: the poor, outcast, LGBTQ community, all races.

After a spirited discussion and exchange of ideas, Pr. Beck requested emails if we have more to share on these topics.