Your Mission Support to the Synod Matters

Group 236

Dear friends in Christ,

As we enter into Fall and congregations come back together in worship and ministry, I give thanks for all that we have done together in Jesus’ name over this past year. The Metro D.C. Synod Council, staff, and ministry teams could not have accomplished all we have without the generous financial support of your congregation or without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

In the graphic below, you can see how your congregation’s support to the Metro D.C. synod has directly impacted those in need and furthered our synod’s mission to boldly and boundlessly love all of God’s beloved creation. 

While we have seen a decrease in overall mission support in recent years, we have used these gifts faithfully to support ministry around the synod and we have weathered the uncertainty and financial impacts of the COVID pandemic. 

Despite the hardships we have endured, I am writing to invite your congregation to live faithfully into God’s promise of abundance and prayerfully consider increasing your congregation’s mission support to the synod in 2024.  

I have incredible faith in what this Synod can be and do together with the help of the Holy Spirit. I also feel a deep commitment to making sure that every dollar that comes from the pew into the Synod is faithfully utilized to further the synod priorities to equip and develop healthy leaders, empower and nurture vibrant ministries, and encourage and model faithful accompaniment. Your intentional investment in mission support furthers the work of the Holy Spirit throughout the Metro D.C. Synod—holy ministry for which we are called to do together.

As your congregation prayerfully considers its financial commitment to the Metro D.C. Synod, know that the Synod Council and synod staff are praying over your community, your leaders, and your faithful work as well. Your congregation’s Statement of Intent for 2024 can be submitted at:

En Cristo,

The Rev. Leila M. Ortiz
Bishop of the Metro D.C. Synod