news & updates

Spring 2022 Grant/Scholarship Announcement from Good Shepherd Endowment

The Good Shepherd Mission Endowment Fund promotes the growth of the church by providing scholarships to seminarians and grants to promote ministries, missions, and activities to support those in need and to spread the good news of Christ into the...
Learn More about Spring 2022 Grant/Scholarship Announcement from Good Shepherd Endowment

Saint Luke’s Mission Endowment Grant Applications due March 30

The Saint Luke Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) was established in 1999 and in past years provided gifts to the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project in Washington, DC and Shepherd’s Table. Ministries can request gifts from MEF in 2022 by downloading and submitting the Saint...
Learn More about Saint Luke’s Mission Endowment Grant Applications due March 30

Lenten Devotional is Now Available!

Members of the Sacred Ground small groups are contributing to a Lenten Devotional for the entire synod. The weekly devotions will be based on the book "Jesus and the Disinherited" by Howard Thurman, a resource read and reflected on during...
Learn More about Lenten Devotional is Now Available!

Synod Assembly: Scholarships Available for 50% of Registration Cost

We have all learned over the past few years how important it is to gather together whenever we can. The Synod Assembly will be our first opportunity to do so for several years and we would like to have as...
Learn More about Synod Assembly: Scholarships Available for 50% of Registration Cost

Synod Assembly: Submit Resolutions & Memorials by April 10

The synod assembly provides an opportunity for voting members to present Resolutions or Memorials for consideration. Resolutions adopted by the synod assembly will be acted upon locally or passed to the appropriate units of the ELCA for action. Memorials adopted...
Learn More about Synod Assembly: Submit Resolutions & Memorials by April 10

Prayer for the Sierra Pacific Synod

From the Metro D.C. Synod Racial Equity Team (RET) A prayer from Rev. Franklin Morales (RET Co-chair) on behalf of the RET Lord God, we feel vexed, misunderstood, broken, marginalized, and we mourn alongside your loved ones in the Sierra Pacific Synod.We often...
Learn More about Prayer for the Sierra Pacific Synod

Notice of Proposed Amendments to Synod Constitution and Bylaws

Pursuant to S18.13.b. of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, notice is hereby given that the Synod Council has approved a series of proposed amendments to these governing provisions. ...
Learn More about Notice of Proposed Amendments to Synod Constitution and Bylaws

2021 Christmas Message from Bishop Ortiz

Jesus is the reason we can endure. Jesus is the reason we can rejoice. Jesus is the reason we can restore and reform. Jesus is the reason that we live and breathe knowing that we are not alone this season!
Learn More about 2021 Christmas Message from Bishop Ortiz

Complete Racial Justice Survey by December 31

In order to better connect with the work congregations in the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod are doing towards racial justice and equity, the Synod is asking each congregation to share where they are at in their current efforts. In the...
Learn More about Complete Racial Justice Survey by December 31

Submit 2020 Forms A & C by December 20!

The ELCA has recently reopened their submissions system for 2020 Forms A & C. If you have not already submitted your 2020 forms, please do so before Monday, December 20 when the system will be closed again. If you have...
Learn More about Submit 2020 Forms A & C by December 20!