Synod News: March 31, 2020
A new Synod News email was sent on March 31, 2020. Click on the button below to view the entire email. View March 31 Synod News Email
March 20, 2020 Update from Bishop Eaton
Dear Church, We live in anxious times. COVID-19 makes these times even more anxious. In a time of crisis, it is our natural instinct to gather together, but this pandemic demands that we distance ourselves from one another for a...
From the Bishop’s Desk: Holy Communion and Other Updates
Dear Colleagues in Christ, As you may have seen in my prayers online, I am deeply grateful for you and the leadership you’ve exhibited these last several days. I’m proud of the ways you are showing up and being church...
From The Bishop’s Desk: COVID-19
Dear Colleagues in Christ,I am writing this in response to inquiries of how to proceed in the coming weeks given the reality of the COVID-19 and its impact on our life together. As your bishop, my staff and I are...
Coronavirus Resources
The Metro D.C. Synod staff have assembled some helpful resources from the ELCA, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization for congregations and its members. Reopening Resources and Guidance As you begin to consider...
A Reflection for Black History Month
By Rev. Lamar Bailey ’Twant me, ’twas the Lord. I always told him, “I trust to you. I don’t know where to go or what to do, but I expect you to lead me,” and he always did. ~Harriett Tubman~...
Building Puentes Clergy Couples Retreat
February 19-21, 2020 The Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Sinodo del Caribe - Caribbean Synod requested a Clergy Couples Retreat as part of our Building Puentes Initiative and the Metro DC Synod was happy to co-create and participate!The realities in Puerto Rico (Hurricane Maria,...
The Next Six Years as the Metro D.C. Synod
During the season of Epiphany, we are called to invite all people to “come and see” who the child laying in a manger is as we intentionally make Jesus known to the world and to ourselves. In the spirit of...
A Special Message from New Connections
Hear from Pastor Lamar Bailey and Campaign Director Christy Hartigan about the work God has done through your donations to the New Connections campaign. There is also a cameo from Darcy Tillman from Lutheran Church of the Covenant - LCOC, Dale...
Three Holy Days Intensive Learning Opportunity
REGISTRATION IS CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT! If you would like to attend, please reach out to Katharyn Wheeler at The first learning opportunity from the Metro D.C. Synod Leadership Academy is the Three Holy Days Intensive at Bon Secours...