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Words matter

by the Rev. James Phillips The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been hailed by many as the most prolific orator ever, in these United States of America. As we honor his memory this month, let us contemplate the...
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Happy New Year!

A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP Ah, a new year! It opens up before us with infinite possibilities like brand new notebooks at the beginning of the school year or the beginning of football season in Cleveland—everyone has...
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From the Bishop’s Desk: The Holy Light

A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM BISHOP GRAHAM The gospel stories of Christmas are warm and rich in detail. Matthew tells of Joseph dreaming, of Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled and later of the Magi’s visit.* Luke’s account is of Mary giving birth far...
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Solar power for Phebe: $100 Christmas Challenge

by Cheryl Dwyer * With a time-sensitive opportunity to share in God's work with our hands, the Metro D.C. Synod’s Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO) wants you to know about an initiative that is strengthening women and communities in Liberia. Phebe...
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Hear the good news

A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. For as the days of Noah were, so will be the...
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#dcsynod Advent devotions via phone

Join Advent Devotions via phone when the synod staff gathers on Tuesdays for our staff meeting. With the clanging of so much holiday noise around us, perhaps this Advent centering will fit into your schedule. Listen in all 4 weeks,...
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From the Bishop’s desk: Joy to the world

Jesus says, “Many will come in my name and say, ‘I am he’ and, ‘The time is near!’ Do not go after them.” ~ Luke 21:8 All over the world this morning* in many different kinds of Christian communities this...
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Marking Veterans Day in our faith communities

by the Rev. Mark W. Olsen Our 2016 Metro D.C. Synod Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution entitled “Gratitude and Support for Military Service Members and Veterans.” Combined with similar resolutions from other synods, that resolution was forwarded for consideration of...
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I was a stranger

A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP I was a stranger and you welcomed me .... (Matthew 25:35) Today there are more than 60 million displaced people in the world, more than at any time since World War II....
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499th anniversary of Reformation

Red leaves shimmered outside in seeming reflection of red clothing and liturgical-red stoles inside when members and friends of the ELCA Metro D.C. Synod congregated with visitors to the Washington National Cathedral for the annual synod-hosted Reformation Worship Service. The...
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