news & updates

If God is enough

We can be free from attachments to our plans, self-will, success A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP From time to time I am invited to celebrate congregational anniversaries. It’s wonderful to see the church in action and to...
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Nourishment on campus

by the Rev. Ray Ranker Free food!  That’s often a primary advertisement for the Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) sites around the country. And it’s true; most have good, home-cooked meals.  Most also offer a strong, tight-knit community that is loving...
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Disabilities Act turns 25

The sanctuary filled with people celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Photo: LSA) Ushers from Lifeline Partnership* in matching t-shirts welcomed attendees observing the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans...
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There is no curtain obscuring plots

Rumors, politics on three issues at odds with true discernment A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP At a Conference of Bishops meeting a few years after the 2009 Churchwide Assembly, bishops shared some of the most outrageous suspicions...
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Unglamorous yet vital

Our relationship with money is a profoundly spiritual issue A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP A church in the Northeastern Ohio Synod describes itself as a “50/50” congregation. It gives away half of offerings received. A significant portion...
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Luther’s quote got it right

We’ve fallen but are also raised up—a prescription against paralysis A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP The account of the Ascension in Acts has two great questions. The disciples ask Jesus, “Lord, is this the time when you...
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Earthquake response

Both Lutheran World Relief (LWR) and Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) have been in contact with the synod office, wanting to make sure congregations are aware of outlets for response to the tragedy following an earthquake and aftershocks in Nepal. [caption...
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Worship is the heart of all we do

Given competition, is it ‘hub of our week, space of our regrouping’? A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP There is a Seattle-based caffeinated beverage company that goes to great lengths to provide excellent customer service. Its campaign is...
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Every life is precious

In neighboring Baltimore, faith leaders have spoken to "unfolding events surrounding the tragic and untimely death of Freddie Gray" and called for a public moment of silence in gatherings of worship. After reading a statement endorsed by three faith leader...
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Free money

by the Rev. Connie Thomson Every now and then I hear stories of congregations who give their people $10, $20, even $100 each and tell them to go do something good with it. I just love that sort of stuff. ...
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