Conveying comfort and encouragement

When Lutheran World Relief (LWR) distributes Personal Care Kits, it’s often to people who have lost everything. In the wake of an earthquake, or having fled from violence as their…

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We can SEEEEEE you

As promised, the Together in Mission (TIM) team has posted video of the 18 minute presentations on best ideas for better following Jesus in the 21st century given in January 2014 to YouTube. Erik Backus’…

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Remember that you are dust

Catch sight of any smudged crosses on foreheads of fellow commuters or coffee shop patrons? On Ash Wednesday, we entered Lent with reflection. A poem by Lutheran pastor Keith Spencer…

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Summer dreams during cold snap

Through the pane at both Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center (Fort Valley, Virg.) and Mar-lu-Ridge Camp & Retreat Center (Jefferson, Md.) you may SEE snow, but you will ENVISION s’mores, wildflowers and…

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Tips & resources for caregivers

Persons who have assumed responsibility for aging or ill loved-ones can use some support. In both Alexandria, Virg. and Silver Spring, Md., a two-morning “Support U” crash course will be…

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Your area’s paint-by-number

The ELCA makes demographic reports available by zip code to help ELCA congregations gain a general understanding of their community and to plan mission using that information. With the ELCA…

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Crowdfunding inspiration

by Karen Krueger I know a few people who’ve tried it – with varying results. Crowdfunding. With crowdfunding, small amounts of money are typically pooled from a crowd to launch an idea…

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Young adult pilgrimage to Haiti

DC Young Adults travelled two times in 2013. It was such a success, more trips are planned. A trip to Haiti on April 23-30, 2014, is in the works. “Practice…

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