Daily Bible time

Pull out your smart phone, family heirloom or paperback acquired along the way – turning to the Bible will always yield reflection and growth. Use this link to find a short…

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Culture of openness

by John Handley, synod treasurer An article in The Washington Post* recently put a spotlight on potential financial wrongdoing within several large charitable organizations.  When fraud is discovered in large…

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Stewardship and the Shutdown

by the Rev. Phil Hirsch It’s estimated that 20-25% of our members are directly affected by the so-called shutdown of government. In the last few days I’ve been listening to…

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Friends in faith on campus

College years are full of foundational knowledge and experiences, and at more than 180 state and private colleges and universities there is an ELCA presence encouraging faith-exploring community, discipleship and…

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Words of prayer in pocket

The “Prayer Book for the Armed Services” is a new, pocket-sized companion for service people. If there are service people in your congregation or community, this resource would make an…

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“Go in peace, serve the Lord.”

The assembly closed with a resolution of gratitude and thanksgiving for Harold Sargeant, AIM, who is retiring after faithfully serving the synod for six years, as well as a resolution…

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