Registration open for Synod Assembly

No time like the present! Just because you have until June 7 to register for the 2013 Metro D.C. Synod Assembly doesn’t mean you should dawdle… Registration is open. Also…

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Shoot a short video

Shoot a short video to showcase your ELCA congregation’s ministry on this 25th anniversary of the ELCA! The theme for the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly is “Always being made new.”…

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One down, more to go

The first document of the list of Pre-Assembly Materials needed in advance of the 2013 Synod Assembly has been posted! The proposed 2014 Mission Spending Plan is now ready for your…

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SynAsm fee set in April action

Synod Council acted this week to set fees for the 2013 Metro D.C. Synod Assembly. “The fees for the 2013 Synod Assembly [are] set at $369 per person, with housing available…

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Background check policy update

By the Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli Imagine Harold Sargeant seated behind stacks of paper on his desk. Authorization forms for background checks make up a chunk of that stack, a…

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2013 Synod Assembly Promo Video

Get ready! The ELCA Metro D.C. Synod will be meeting June 21-22, 2013. Here’s a taste of what’s to come and info for getting involved. Let’s spend some time “praying, discerning,…

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ALMOST registration & display time

Straight from our Synod Assembly coordinator… Registration for the 2013 Synod Assembly will be coming soon. Display space registration info will also go live soon. “I’ve had five inquiries just…

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Room adjustment for Synod Assembly

Plans are advancing smoothly for our forthcoming Metro D.C. Synod Assembly, to be held June 21-22, 2013. One clarification – the 2013 Synod Assembly fee of [3/11/13 – dollar figure removed as discussion…

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Don’t keep this secret!

With crinkled eyes and damp palms, have you ever driven past a destination without catching the sign? Or approached a door, buzzed and waited… only to trudge through damp sod…

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