Your neighbor on the radio

by Karen Krueger It sounds dry, but when “nones”* are given voices in the current National Public Radio (NPR) series “Losing Our Religion,” my statistic-numbed brain quit droning “I know,…

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Get ready for visitors

Prompted by curiosity, a reminiscent custom, or a spiritual tug, it is likely there are people around your church building who want to venture inside this Christmas. Shaping up for…

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Hands in the till

by John Handley, Synod Treasurer Have you heard “Many hands make light work”? It is even true of congregation finance tasks. Separating responsibility for accounting tasks so that no one…

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2013 synod assembly date set!

By action of the Synod Council this weekend, dates have been assigned for the 2013 Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod Assembly:  Friday & Saturday, June 21-22, 2013. Mark your calendars!

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Can you name a failure? Great!

Questions to help a congregation discern if they are THRIVING or SURVIVING spiritually were posed to a group in the ELCA LaCrosse Area Synod recently by the Rev. Mike Woods of…

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