Organizing Sites Minister to Needs

Most of you may know about these meaningful sites… but even church folk have heard what they say about assuming… Here are a few I was reminded of recently.*  Please…

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Photo album posted plus

More to be posted, BUT a photo album, election results and final copies of adopted resolutions are now online. Everyone present and praying for us helped make it a rewarding Synod…

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Some Assembly/Knitting Required

…Speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knitted together by…

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Pre-gathering Bible Study

Participants in this morning’s Bible study, led by Diaconal Ministers Kathy Garrison and Wayne Ralston, looked at Scripture that examines the Assembly’s theme and that addresses the question: ITALICS How…

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Saturday morning happenings

Items of business Bishop Graham reported that the offering collected at last night’s worship totaled $1782.00, which will be divided evenly for disaster relief in Japan and the ELCA’s HIV/AIDS…

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