Break with Rome inevitable

13 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY During the year following contentious debate between Martin Luther and Johann Eck, Luther produced three remarkable documents: The Address to the Christian Nobility of the…

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Debates with Eck turn tables

14 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Increased clerical resistance faced Martin Luther after his dramatic actions of October 31, 1517. The next year passed without a direct challenge. Soon, however, Johann…

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Your church looks cute in that

by Karen Krueger If you’ve shopped for a home online, you’ve probably noticed the difference between great photos and dull ones – then shortlisted potential property with a strong photo.…

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Bold step rapidly spreads

15 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther took the bold step of proposing a debate of 95 statements and questions that focused primarily on the Pope…

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Turbulence along pathway

16 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Two paths diverged in the woods: which one to choose? In 1510, Martin Luther returned from a visit to Rome to begin teaching and scholarship…

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Useful instruction

17 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Up until Luther’s day, catechism was not an essential tool for Christian churches. There were the historic formulations of basic Christian principles by Cyril in…

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If you have something to say

18 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY “Every day it rains Luther books,” exclaimed a Martin Luther opponent in 1521, a reference to the enormous out-pouring of writing on Luther’s part. Alec…

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List of persons elected to synod leadership

Newly elected leaders on the Synod Council are as follows: Vice President Evelyn Crenshaw Treasurer Julie Hamre D.C. Conference Lay Representative Michael Sonnenberg Fairfax Conference Clergy Representative the Rev. Albert…

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Text of adopted resolutions

By action of our 2017 Synod Assembly, the following Resolutions/Memorials were adopted (in sequence of consideration during our gathering). Greetings to Other ELCA Synods Meeting In Assembly Twenty Fifth Anniversary…

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