Rostered only
Advent Preaching Workshop & Worship for Rostered Ministers
Saint Luke Lutheran Church 9100 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD, United StatesAs we approach one of the most beautiful and busy seasons of the year, Advent, the Metro D.C. and Delaware-Maryland Synods warmly invite rostered ministers to an inspiring event designed…
Boundary & Racial Justice Training
Rostered Ministers of the Metro D.C. Synod are invited to complete their required annual Boundary Training and biennial Racial & Social Justice Training through United Lutheran Seminary. Trainings are offered…
Post-Inauguration Rostered Minister Conversation
ZoomAll rostered ministers of the Metro D.C. Synod are invited to join Bishop Ortiz for an online gathering focused on conversation and prayer following the inauguration on Tuesday, January 28, from…
Renewal of Ordination Vows and Blessing of Oil
Mar-Lu-Ridge Camp & Retreat Center 3200 Mar Lu Ridge Rd, Jefferson, MD, United StatesBishop Leila Ortiz and Bishop Bill Gohl (Delaware-Maryland Synod) are pleased to partner with our shared outdoor ministry, Mar-Lu-Ridge, to offer a Renewal of Ordination Vows and Blessing of Oil.…