Path of growth

The Assembly continues to be hard at work, with more voting business and a special guest. As part of the New Connections campaign, the Rev. Phil Hirsch introduced a video…

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Wise and faithful servants

The Assembly gathered back together this morning with a breakfast and an informal Q&A with Presiding Bishop Eaton. It was a long day yesterday, and an early morning today, so…

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Faces on the agenda

USING THOSE LITTLE BUTTONS Our final session of the day began with the report of the Mission Spending Plan. The Assembly then affirmed the Synod Council members running uncontested. The…

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Feedback & evaluation – your input welcomed

Thank you for engaging with this year’s Synod Assembly. Your input is appreciated. If you haven’t done so on-site, you are invited to complete this short survey: Thank you!

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Seen and unseen work comes to light

Every resolution and report is the result of many hours of hard work, some seen and some unseen. The Assembly receives the reports, carefully prepared, and votes, asking God’s grace…

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Lots to chew on at lunchtime workshops

The Assembly has returned from lunch, called back to order by the hymn “Abide With Me.” Refreshed by lunch and fellowship, the Voting Members took their seats. Back to business!…

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Morning of inspiration and aspiration

SPECIAL GUESTS It was lovely to hear from some of our interfaith partners, such as Rabbi Gerald Serotta, Executive Director, InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington; and Father Charles Cortinovis, Ecumenical…

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Meet our photographer

Most of us may have a camera in our phones, but creating a photographic record of Synod Assembly takes a special eye. Meet Daniel Owusu, a member of Lutheran Church…

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Meet our blogger

Hearing many voices from across the synod is one of the strengths of a Synod Assembly. We are grateful that Esther Samuelson of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Herndon, Virginia…

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