Worship has commenced!

There has already been a great deal of hustle and bustle in preparation as display tables go up, visitors arrive, and voting members prepare for a productive day. The ballroom…

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Uneven matchups

19 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY In 1521, as Pope Leo X was reviewing what to do about Luther’s 95 Theses, he issued a proclamation calling Henry VIII of England “Defender…

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Communion rite

20 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Born within a year of each other, Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther lived parallel lives of action. They shared a common agenda, one that stressed…

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Splash pages can be life savers

by Katharyn Wheeler Congregations often decide to give access to wi-fi as a service to their community. While this can be of great benefit to the users, it also has…

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Swiss face of reformation

21 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY In his struggles against the medieval church, Martin Luther was not alone. He joined forces with a variety of other reformers. Among them was Ulrich…

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Identifying with Galatians

22 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY For Martin Luther, the book of Romans emerged as the central biblical text in shaping the events that led to the Reformation. But he also…

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Burning books bother Bullinger

23 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY The burning of books is an act that always captivates us. This was particularly the case on November 27, 1519 when students at the University…

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Deadlines push assembly prep forward

By synod guidelines, we’re near deadline for various elements of Synod Assembly preparations. NOMINATIONS AND CANDIDATE INFORMATION FORMS – Deadline: May 15 A list of positions of synod leadership up…

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Words throw doors open

24 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Martin Luther had a way with words, often able to find just the right phrase. One example can be found in 1515 as he began…

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