Understand your journey better

Through faith stories, we understand our own journey better, facilitate talking with others about our faith, and build bridges with each other, the community and the world. But do you…

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Thank you, Rose!

You may not have been there, but I bet it feels like you were! Thank you, Rose Beeson, for writing your observations as our 2014 Metro D.C. Synod unfolded.

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Growth is not a four letter word

1:37 PM – Back from lunch for the Third Plenary, with a report of the ballot for clergy on the Consultation Committee. The Rev. Tom Knoll and the Rev. Jeanne…

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Minimal discussion, maximal business

10:37 AM – Plenary Session 2 opened with the sound of nearly 300 voices raised in song. “Amazing Grace,” indeed. John White, Synod Vice President, reported on the activities of…

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Prayers and song set the tone

8:25 AM – Amy Acland and the seminary interns (who are finishing up their year gaining hands-on experience in local congregations) have made short work of the registration line, and…

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The stage is set

8:01 AM – As the clock strikes 8:00AM the gentle hum of Lutherans gathering fills the lobby of Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Fairfax, Virginia. Off to the side…

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Go ahead and ask!

So… Why are we changing the synod’s Constitution & Bylaws? How do we add a minivan for the bishop to the budget? Will cookies during breaktime be gluten free? Whatever…

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