Reunión de la mañana

DESDE EL OBISPO GRAHAM Estamos dando inicio a nuestra Asamblea 2018.Se esta dando el décimo primer reporte para esta Asamblea. El año pasado estuvimos celebrando los 500 años de la…

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Emphasis on grace

Christina Jackson-Skelton, Executive Director, Mission Advancement brings us greetings from the ELCA Churchwide offices in Chicago. She greets us with words of gratitude of the service of our synod, the…

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An enormously hopeful time

Bishop Graham gives his 11th Annual report, reflecting on an “exciting” previous year: “Exciting in both an enjoyable and terrifying way.” Bishop Graham reflects that the year ahead promises to…

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Videos shown during 2018 Synod Assembly

“ELCA 2017 in Review” – Shown by Christina Jackson-Skelton, representing the ELCA churchwide expression   “We Are Lutheran: ELCA Synod Assembly 2018” – Reflections by the Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, ELCA…

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Culto de la mañana

Estamos iniciando nuestra celebración de adoración desde la fuente bautismal para recordar nuestro bautismo y pidiendo a Dios perdón por nuestros pecados. Nuestra Asamblea 2018 del Sínodo de DC estamos…

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Countercultural welcome

Metro D.C. Synod Assembly 2018 Theme “Connecting – Up In Out” is in full swing as people introduce themselves to one another, friends are hugging, and colleagues are greeting as we…

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We know the truth

A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP Father’s Day is in June. Let me tell you a little bit about my dad. His name was William Frederick Eaton. He…

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Once we get rolling

Follow our blog during the 2018 Synod Assembly for observations and decisions as they unfold during our time together. Special thanks to our guest blogger, Vicar Ben Hogue, who will…

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