Seeking ways to reduce hate and violence
“Regarding the shooting that happen right in our back yard, at the Navy Yard,” the team that put the adopted Safe and Responsible Use of Firearms resolution before the 2013 Synod Assembly urges “our congregations to pray publicly and privately for...
From the Bishop’s desk: Concerning Syria
Brothers and sisters,* The situation in Syria, changing by the hour as it seems to do, is of great concern to us all. Because we live in the United States, the situation raises questions for us about the just use...
More service sites for Sept. 8 surge
Since initially listing local congregations with plans* for the Sept. 8 “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday - using a day of service to celebrate the ELCA’s 25th anniversary - additional congregations have shared their plans. Arlington’s Advent Lutheran Church pushed...
Countdown to “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday
Momentum is building in our synod for an impactful "God's work. Our hands." Sunday. Designated for Sunday, September 8, 2013, this day of service is being observed by congregations and other partners across the ELCA marking our 25th anniversary -...
Volunteer with Fairfax homelessness services
Looking for a service opportunity for your youth group? “The Lamb Center provides a hands-on opportunity to serve and form relationships with the homeless,” says Dave Larrabee, Director of Operations and member of Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Montgomery...
Making the Climb: ELCA Malaria Campaign Update
by Dorothy Sorrell Click on chart to see larger version. How is the ELCA Malaria Campaign doing in our synod? The Metro D.C. Synod has almost reached the $190,000 mark - $189,674.41 to be exact –...
Tasty breakfast, tantilizing discussion – and other synasm updates
Just sent to our congregations, and now posted for all! REGISTRATION IS ROLLING, but it closes June 7 Voting Members and Visitors are encouraged to register for the 2013 Synod Assembly, approaching soon on June 21-22. Registration CLOSES on June...
Shape of the Synod project
Initially shared with synod leadership, here's a video introducing the Shape of the Synod project. Bishop Graham presents activity the Task Force has begun, focusing synod priorities to the New Testament call for us to make disciples and care for the poor. Congregations...
Plan for ELCA-wide Day of Service in September
All 10,000 ELCA congregations are invited to put their faith into action on Sunday, September 8, 2013 with a dedicated Day of Service as the church celebrates its 25th anniversary. While service opportunities are endless, and this is what congregations...
Synod steps-up to ELCA Malaria Campaign goals
by Dorothy Sorrell, synod ELCA Malaria Project coordinator Hunkered under a mosquito net, children learn about malaria and its prevention.The Metro D.C. Synod showed its support during the week of World Malaria Day in a variety of ways. A few examples*...