news & updates

Shape of the Synod project

Initially shared with synod leadership, here's a video introducing the Shape of the Synod project. Bishop Graham presents activity the Task Force has begun, focusing synod priorities to the New Testament call for us to make disciples and care for the poor. Congregations...
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Plan for ELCA-wide Day of Service in September

All 10,000 ELCA congregations are invited to put their faith into action on Sunday, September 8, 2013 with a dedicated Day of Service as the church celebrates its 25th anniversary. While service opportunities are endless, and this is what congregations...
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Synod steps-up to ELCA Malaria Campaign goals

by Dorothy Sorrell, synod ELCA Malaria Project coordinator Hunkered under a mosquito net, children learn about malaria and its prevention.The Metro D.C. Synod showed its support during the week of World Malaria Day in a variety of ways.  A few examples*...
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Earth Day to Creation Care

Submitted by the Rev. Sarah Scherschligt, Synod Creation Care Team member Great ideas for Earth Day and beyond are growing from congregations looking to incorporate creation care into many aspects of congregational life. Building on a successful vegetable garden that...
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Worship in new building adds joy to season

by the Rev. Mark W. Olsen After Were it not for this being the season of Lent, shouts of "Alleluia!" would be echoing across the face of the Bull Run Mountains this morning. I am happy to share with you...
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Thanking God for ties and tires

Submitted by the Rev. Bob Allard

Drs. Michael Valco and Katarina Valcova

Since 1998 the Christian Education Center in Martin, Slovakia, has trained Christian workers for the 21st century. Two instructors from the Center, Drs. Michael...
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Pastoral Letter on Violence

"Every faithful caregiver who sits with victims of violence knows what we know – as God's church, we are called to reduce violence and should, in most cases, restrain ourselves from using violence. Whether or not statistics show that overall...
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From the Bishop’s desk: Lift up the grace and goodness

Dear friends,*   Last Friday was not a good day.   When I got up I found, on page A3 of The Washington Post, a short article about a Missouri Synod pastor in Connecticut. He had been forced to issue...
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Confirmation class leads fight against malaria

Submission by the Rev. John Kidd The creative Confirmation Class of Augustana Lutheran Church in D.C. topped up a year-end gift to the ELCA Malaria Campaign to $1,750. With a tenacious array of approaches, the young people have helped combat...
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Young adults listen for Christian call in daily hum

by the Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli

Evening conversation at the Project Connect retreat explored the voice and meaning of God’s call.

Nearly 25% of the Metro D.C. Synod’s congregations contributed in one way or another to a...
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