In the news: Support for military families
"The stress and strain of the current operational tempo of our military service members has exacted a high cost from our military families," observes the Rev. Wollom Jensen in a piece written for "A current active duty military chaplain...
College group gets shoes to neighborhood children
"Children have shoes held together with tape, too small, and flip flops for winter footwear," said the Rev. Elizabeth Platz, Lutheran chaplain at the University of Maryland in College Park, of some students at Langley Park McCormick Elementary School. The...
Legislative Update – 3/21/11
The Legislature adjourns in 3 weeks. “Sine Die” is April 11. Immigrant Bills. For a complete list of bills concerning immigrants see attached Immigrant Bill Chart 2011 (March 14) compiled by Casa de Maryland*. MEOPP has submitted testimony on: HB...
Testimony on House Joint Resolution 10, Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws – 3/21/11
EXCERPT: MEOPP opposes HJ 10. This resolution would require Maryland to enforce federal immigration laws and calls on State and local law enforcement officers to arrest any person guilty of hiring, harboring, or transporting illegal immigrants. No federal law mandates...
In the news: Youth brings shoe recycling to congregation
Testimony on House Bill 1075, Death Penalty Repeal – 3/15/11
EXCERPT - The Maryland Ecumenical Office for Public Policy supports House Bill 1075, Death Penalty Repeal. All the denominations that form MEOPP agree that the death penalty undermines respect for human life… Full Testimony on House Bill 1075 Death Penalty...
Japanese Congregation Near Epicenter Contacted
The Rev. George Oshiba, president of the eastern district of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church, reported March 13 that he had made contact with the pastor of Sendai Lutheran Church, the Rev. Hiroaki Fujii. Sendai is a city of more...
In the news: Struggling ELCA Congregations
A picture of viability among ELCA congregations was shared in "Coming to grips with struggling congregations," an article by Linda Nansteel Lovell in the March 2011 edition of The Lutheran magazine. Congregations of the Metro D.C. Synod are not exempt...
What’s a Wholeness Wheel?
With a donut and coffee in hand, Bishop "Huck" Usgaard of the ELCA Southeastern Minnesota Synod (can you say donut like a Minnesotan?) launches a light-hearted look at the Wholeness Wheel – a tool available from the ELCA Board of Pensions...
Celebrating by Giving
During the church's 40th anniversary celebration in 2010, All Saints Lutheran Church in Bowie raised funds for the Bowie Food Pantry in a joint effort with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. A check for $500 was presented to Debbie Langdon (forefront...