Reflections from the Holy Land by Bishop Leila
On the last day of our trip to the Holy Land, we (Seventeen ELCA Bishops and churchwide staff) were invited to The Al Husseiniya Palace to meet with Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, religious and cultural advisor to the King of...
Notification of Proposed Amendments to Synod Constitution & Bylaws
Pursuant to S18.13.b. of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, notice is hereby given that the Synod Council has approved a proposed amendment to these governing provisions....
Racial Equity Audit-Update on Stage 2
Dear Siblings in Christ, The Synod Council and staff have been working diligently, in partnership with Gold Enterprises, to complete the Racial Equity Audit. Over the past 6 months, many important steps of this process have been completed and we are...
From the Bishop’s Desk Announcement: Regarding Pastor David Shank
Dear Friends in Christ, The stirrings of the Holy Spirit and the fruits of discernment bring another time of transition for the Metro D.C synod staff - Rev. David Shank has accepted a position as Regional Gift Planner for the...
Complete the 2023 Congregational Statement of Intent
Your trust and commitment to our partnership is more important than ever as we can accomplish more together. We ask you and your congregation to prayerfully seek how God is inviting you to grow in our partnership. The mission support...
Complete Generosity Survey by December 20
The Metro D.C. Synod Stewardship and Mission Support Table is grateful for you and your ministry! You make a difference as you support people in their journey to grow in loving God and loving our neighbors. The purpose of this Table...
Over $25,000 Raised for Building Puentes!
In the month of October, Bishop Ortiz and Bishop Gohl called for the support our siblings in Christ in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean synod after Hurricane Fiona devastated the islands, some still recovering from the 2017 hurricane season. Thanks...
Make Ready for Holy Disruption
We await yet again for the birth of the babe in the manger, and we also await Christ’s coming again to fulfill all things. We often prepare for Advent by “getting ready”. Yet preparing for the coming of Christ is...
Support the Local Ministry Fund in 2022!
Dear Friends in Christ, The Metro D.C. Synod has a vision for the future. A vision that will inspire all members of our synod with a spirit of generosity and abundance. This initiative is two-fold: Focus on building a culture...