Hallway passing starts relationship

Pastor Samuel Barber of the congregation Dominion Apostolic congregation uses Pastor Mitch Watney’s Good Samaritan Lutheran building for worship in Leonardtown, Md. The two pastors shared in a video discussion…

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Worship first

Reflections shared from our opening Festive Eucharist. Prayers of intercession: Petitions were delivered as various readers came to the microphones around the room. They lifted up the diversity of our…

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Spring cleaning

by Katharyn Wheeler What do you clean in the church office when Spring Cleaning comes around? Did you know that the ELCA has a policy on what to retain and…

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Gift from an ‘Unplanned Adventure’

by Karen Krueger A diaconal minister from the ELCA Northeastern Iowa Synod with cancer writes from her heart, mind, spirit and experience in a May 2016 synod newsletter. “This newsletter…

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As wedding plans sprout

by Katharyn Wheeler Flowers, allergies, and weddings… it is clearly spring in metro D.C. Becoming a wedding officiant in this area accounts for many phone calls to the synod office…

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Making most of a summer day

Can’t take a phone in the canoe! Consider sending your child, youth, teen, family, SELF to camp this summer. When the day begins, options exist that can stimulate the senses…

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