Looking ahead to 2013

The ELCA Metro D.C. Synod elected the Rev. Richard H. Graham bishop in 2007. Next year, the 2013 Synod Assembly will again be tasked with elections for the office. The…

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Metro D.C. Synod

As the baptized people of God, gathered into the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, our purpose is to draw together the resources of congregations,…

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Confirmation Crossword

Committed to finding ways to do ministry “outside the box,” the Rev. Miriam Nicholson shared lots of creative ideas during her Storytelling workshop at the recently-held 2012 Metro D.C. Synod Assembly.…

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Thanks Stephen!!

A big thanks for Stephen Padre for his great contributions. People are still filtering out of the hall, but our members and friends near and far already shared in our…

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